Jekyll webp generation

Jekyll webp generation

In this tutorial I will show how to automatically generate webp files from jekyll image assets and include them to the html with a shortcode.

Install Plugin

Go to the project root folder and install with:

gem install jekyll-webp

Add to the Gemfile as a plugin:

group :jekyll_plugins do
  gem 'jekyll-webp'

Add in the _config.yml file:

# Site configuration for the WebP Generator Plugin

# The values here represent the defaults if nothing is set
  enabled: true

  # The quality of the webp conversion 0 to 100 (where 100 is least lossy)
  quality: 75

  # List of directories containing images to optimize, nested directories will only be checked if `nested` is true
  img_dir: ["/img"]

  # Whether to search in nested directories or not
  nested: false

  # add ".gif" to the format list to generate webp for animated gifs as well
  formats: [".jpeg", ".jpg", ".png", ".tiff"]

  # File extensions for animated gif files
  gifs: [".gif"]

  # Set to true to always regenerate existing webp files
  regenerate: false

  # Local path to the WebP utilities to use (relative or absolute)
  webp_path: nil

  # List of files or directories to exclude
  # e.g. custom or hand generated webp conversion files
  exclude: []

  # append '.webp' to filename after original extension rather than replacing it.
  append_ext: false

To start the generation:

bundle exec jekyll serve

Create Shortcode

Create a new file in the _includes folder:

touch _includes/picture.html

Add the following code to the file:

{% assign webp_filename = include.url | replace: ".jpg", ".webp" | replace: ".jpeg", ".webp" | replace: ".png", ".webp" | replace: ".tiff", ".webp" %}

        <!-- Use the webp file -->
        <source srcset="assets/img/{{ webp_filename }}" type="image/webp" />

        <!-- Fallback to the file you added -->
        <img src="assets/img/{{ include.url }}" alt="{{ include.alt }}" />

    {% if include.caption%}
    <figcaption>{{ include.caption }}</figcaption>
    {% endif %}

Use it in the html files like this:

{% include picture.html url="link-to-image.png" alt="Image alt text" caption="Image caption" %}

The plugin will automatically generate .webp versions of items in your img folder. The webp images will be stored in the generated _site/ folder only.

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