Create a menu from data.json with Gulp & Nunjucks

In this tutorial I will show you how to include a data.json file in Gulp, and call variables used in Nunjucks template files.


Create a data.json file in the root of your src folder:

    "menus": [
            "title": "Item 1",
            "link": ""
            "title": "Item 2",
            "link": ""


Install the gulp-data package:

npm install gulp-data --save-dev

Import it in the gulpfile.js file:

const data = require('gulp-data');


Include the data.json file in the html rendering function:

.pipe(data(function() {
  return require('./src/data.json')

So for example, here is a complete html rendering function example:

function renderHtml() {
    return src(["./src/html/pages/*.+(html|njk)", "!src/html"])
            data(function () {
                return require("./src/data.json");
        .pipe(njk({ path: ["src/html"] }))
        .pipe(beautify.html({ indent_size: 4, preserve_newlines: false }))


Finally, let’s add some markup to index.nunjucks so it uses the data we’ve added:

    {% for item in menus %}
    <a href="{{ }}">{{ item.title }}</a>
    {% endfor %}


How to Modularize HTML Using Template Engines and Gulp

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